COVID Information
October 2022
We’ve had a few questions from parents about the current COVID protocols. NSD is no longer doing batch testing, but all employees/volunteers must be vaccinated (unless they have a medical/religious exemption). Masking is optional–except in the health room, where it’s mandatory OR if a student is showing COVID symptoms.
NSD follows this DOH Flowchart for deciding what to do when someone is showing symptoms of COVID or tests positive. Meanwhile, here’s a quick summary of when isolation is required from Nurse Sue:
No required isolation with COVID exposure; (students should wear a mask for 10 days and test every 24-48 hours for 5 days after exposure).
Required to isolate at home with COVID symptoms (& must test negative before returning to school - at home test/or PCR).
Required isolation with COVID positive test. Day zero is the 1st day of symptoms OR day of positive test.
If you test positive, return to school after 5 days of isolation if: A) no symptoms OR B) if symptoms significantly improve and no fever for 24 hours (without medication). Then, you must wear a mask at school for 5 additional days.
If you never test positive, return to school as soon as A) no symptoms OR B) if symptoms significantly improve and no fever for 24 hours (without medication)
If you’d like to learn more, check out the NSD Covid Protocols here. Or reach out to Nurse Sue (